ACE and GMCT Study Guides are available, please submit your request for a study guide here. Please allow 1-2 business days for a response. The college is closed on Fridays during the months of June and July. 

Intermediate Algebra Competency Exam (ACE)

The ACE Mathematics Competency Exam is used to satisfy the math requirement for the Associate Degree at Santa Rosa Junior College (SRJC). However, the exam is not transferable and cannot be applied to any math course sequence. The ACE (Intermediate Algebra Mathematics Competency Exam) is applicable to all new students and any continuing or returning students who have not maintained catalog rights. (You may be eligible for the GMCT an earlier version of the Mathematics Competency Exam; only if you have maintained Catalog Rights prior to Fall 2009.) Students must be enrolled at least in .5 units to take the ACE or GMCT exam and must be enrolled at SRJC the semester the degree is awarded.

The exam consists of 29 questions with a time limit of 2 hours and 45 minutes. The test covers topics from intermediate algebra. Non-graphing calculators are provided, but graphing calculators are not allowed. A score of 60% or better is required to pass this exam.  Students will be allowed to attempt the exam twice per semester. In the event that a student does not pass the exam on the first attempt, a personalized study plan and review material will be provided within the online testing program to assist in preparation for the second attempt. This study plan will be available for 16 weeks.


Graduation Mathematics Competency Exam (GMCT)

The GMCT (Graduation Mathematics Competency Exam) is only applicable to students who have maintained catalog rights prior to Fall 2009. The GMCT is a 40 question multiple-choice exam with a time limit of 45 minute. The test covers topics from basic arithmetic, basic geometry and basic algebra. A score of 24 out of 40 is required to pass this exam. Student who do not achieve a passing score will be allowed to retest in the following Fall, Spring, or Summer semester. Calculators are not allowed. Catalog rights must be verified by the Admissions and Records, Evaluation Office at 707-527-4517, or in person prior to the student making an appointment. This exam is not transferable, and it is not part of the math course sequence. 

Catalog rights determine which math competency exam a student may complete. To make an appointment or for more information contact the Testing and Support Services offices at Santa Rosa (707) 527-4305, Petaluma 707-778-3908.


If you have a verifiable disability and are in need of extended time, or other testing accommodations please contact the Disability Resources Department, Santa Rosa Campus at (707) 527-4581 or Petaluma Campus at 707-778-3908. If leaving a message, please list dates that you are available to test and your student identification number. Check-in for the test will begin 15 minutes prior to start time. Please bring picture identification with you to check-in.

Also visit the Santa Rosa Junior College's Disability Resources Department webpage for more information.



Please request an appointment for Santa Rosa or Petaluma Campus below for the ACE or GMCT. Please indicate when you make the request under Additional Comments section if you want to take ACE or GMCT Exam. Please note that the college is closed on Fridays during the months of June and July. 

Click here to request an appointment